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5 behaviors to train your dog before you go to the vet - Newnan, GA

Nick Garrison • Oct 16, 2023

If you're a dog owner, you've likely experienced the stress that can come with vet visits.

 "Preparing Your Canine Companion for a Smooth Vet Visit: Advice from a Professional Dog Trainer"


If you're a dog owner, you've likely experienced the stress that can come with vet visits. While you may have invested in obedience training for your canine companion to navigate daily life smoothly, it's equally crucial to prepare them for the unique challenges of a vet appointment. As a certified professional dog trainer, I understand the importance of instilling good behaviors that will make these visits less daunting for both you and your loyal companion. In this blog, we'll explore the top five behaviors to train your dog before their vet appointment, ensuring a positive and stress-free visit for everyone involved.

1. Calm Handling and Touch Sensitivity:

Your faithful companion must be comfortable with handling and touch at the vet's office. Start at home by gently touching different parts of your dog's body – the ears, paws, and tail – and reward them for staying calm. Gradually increase the duration and pressure of these touches to simulate what might happen during a vet examination. The goal is for your dog to remain relaxed and cooperative when the vet needs to examine them. Regular touch sensitivity training at home can help your dog feel less anxious during these crucial moments.

2. Accepting Restraint:

Dogs can become apprehensive about being restrained at the vet's office, such as when a technician needs to hold them still for vaccinations or examinations. Train your dog to accept gentle restraint at home by using positive reinforcement techniques. Start with short periods of gentle restraint and gradually increase the duration, rewarding your dog for their cooperation. This training will help reduce stress and make the vet's job easier when handling your dog.

3. Desensitizing to Medical Equipment:

Vet clinics are filled with various medical instruments, including thermometers, stethoscopes, and syringes. Expose your dog to these objects at home in a controlled and positive manner. Allow your dog to see, smell, and hear these items without any immediate medical procedures. Reward them for calm behavior, and over time, your dog will become less anxious around such equipment, making the vet visit less intimidating.

4. Leash Manners and Waiting:

During a vet visit, you'll often have to wait in the lobby or examination room. Teach your dog to exhibit proper leash manners and the ability to sit and wait patiently. This behavior will not only make the visit more pleasant for other clients and their pets but also reduce stress for your dog. Use treats, commands, and practice in various locations to ensure your dog is accustomed to this behavior regardless of the setting.

5. Handling Fear and Anxiety:

Vet visits can be stressful for dogs, even with the best training. It's essential to address any fear or anxiety your dog may have regarding the vet's office. If your dog has had negative experiences in the past, consider working with Good Dog Happy Owner Dog training to help them overcome their fears. Positive reinforcement training, desensitization, and counterconditioning techniques can be effective tools to help dogs build confidence and reduce anxiety.


As a certified professional dog trainer, I understand that preparing your loyal companion for a vet visit is essential. These five crucial behaviors, including touch sensitivity, accepting restraint, desensitization to medical equipment, leash manners, and handling fear and anxiety, are key to ensuring a positive vet experience for both you and your canine companion. By investing time in this training, you'll not only help your dog but also contribute to a less stressful and more cooperative environment in the vet's office. My expertise can make a significant difference in the well-being of your dog and yourself during vet visits. 

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